How do I whitelist an email sender?
AOL Webmail: Open your email message and click onthe name or email address of sender. Click "Add to address book" in the window that appears, save and close.
Entourage: Open the email message and right-click the email address. Select "Add to address book" in the short-cut menu. Verify contact details and click save.
Earthlink: Open your email message and click "Add to address book" in the email header. Use the Address book editor to verify details and click save.
Gmail: Drag-and-drop the email message from the Promotions tab to the Primary tab. A message will appear saying "This conversation has been moved to Primary". Click yes when it asks "Do this for all future messages from [sender]?"
Hotmail / Live / After opening an email message, an alert should display with "Parts of this message have been blocked for your safety". Beneath this, click the link that says "I trust [sender], always show content."
MacMail: Open the email and control-click the email address. Select "Open in address book" and verify the contact details.
Outlook 2000 / Outlook Express: Open the email and left-click the sender icon or right-click the name. Click Add to contacts, save and close.
Outlook 2002: In an open email message, right-click the name next to "From:" in the message header, then select "Add to contacts". Add any details you wish then save and close.
Outlook 2003 and higher: Open the email and right-click our email address. Click Add to Outlook contacts in the short-cut menu. Click save and close.
Yahoo! Mail: When opening an email message a + symbol should display next to "From: [sender]" Click the + and "add to contacts" should appear. Select save.